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Becoming a Member and New Book Selections May 15, 2007

Posted by Han in Becoming a Member, Book Club Books.
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I have had several emails about becoming a member in the last few weeks.  So for those that are interested we would love to have you and hear your thoughts and ideas.  Jump right in on our current book and leave your thoughts.  When you have been active on a book discussion for a month email me or leave me a comment and I will send you the about you questions and access to that area of the blog and the coffee talk section.  You will also be given access to post when you commit to leading a book discussion.  I figured this was the best way to set up so that info in the protected areas requires active participation to be a part of.

For those that are members and have never commented….hey we would love to hear your thoughts!!!  HEE HEE.  As we near the end of this years book selections I will be setting up a new area for book suggestions.  I am going to give priority to suggestions coming from those who have been active at least on one months selection first.  I am hoping to keep this going next year but with a new baby soon to arrive I am going to need all the help I can get to pull it off.  So lots of suggestions and women willing to lead books would be great.

Thanks gals
